"Praise the thumb of Nuffle. Cheer when the thumb is up and another of your plays hits home. Smile and shrug when the thumb is down, allowing for an unexpected course of events and giving your opponent a chance at making a spectacular play himself. For sure, next time Nuffle will smile upon you as he justly gives and takes in the greater scheme of throwing millions of dice."

May 29, 2016

Thumb of Nuffle - a blog dedicated to tabletop Blood Bowl !

Wow, finally I started my own blog to share my experiences of that excellent game by Games Workshop - Blood Bowl ! And what better way to start a Blood Bowl blog than dedicating it to Nuffle - god of Blood Bowl and god of dice ?

Nuffle - god of dice
With a twist of his thumb, Nuffle decides on each action on the pitch. Often Nuffle will respect the laws of statistics, allowing teams to complete carefully planned plays balancing risk vs reward. But sometimes Nuffle gets bored. This is a dangerous spot to be in. Suddenly your Black Orc Blocker punches himself in the teeth when blocking a Catcher ! Unexpectedly your Gutter Runner trips over his own feet dodgeing into an open square ! As struck by lightning your star High Elf Thrower fumbles a quick pass !

These freak instances are the true test of a coach by Nuffle. Will the coach start complaining his luck, seemingly forgetting all the 6s granted by Nuffle in previous turns and the 1s dropped on the opponent during 1st half ? Or will the coach simply smile at the failed action, acknowledge the turn-over and accept the wisdom of Nuffle that all 6s need to be balanced by 1s ? The latter will make for a much more enjoyable game for both coaches, the essence of a game of Blood Bowl !

Thanks to Nuffle and his great interventions a Troll will intercept a pass, a Goblin team will win against a Wood Elf team, and your Chainsaw player will kill 4 players before the end of the half, possibly including himself ! All these actions need to be countered by failed dodges, blocks and passes which are considered safe by coaches. But the ways of Nuffle are not to be questioned.

Praise the thumb of Nuffle. Cheer when the thumb is up and another of your plays hits home. Smile and shrug when the thumb is down, allowing for an unexpected course of events and giving your opponent a chance at making a spectacular play himself. For sure, next time Nuffle will smile upon you as he justly gives and takes in the greater scheme of throwing millions of dice.

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