"Praise the thumb of Nuffle. Cheer when the thumb is up and another of your plays hits home. Smile and shrug when the thumb is down, allowing for an unexpected course of events and giving your opponent a chance at making a spectacular play himself. For sure, next time Nuffle will smile upon you as he justly gives and takes in the greater scheme of throwing millions of dice."

October 09, 2016

TalkFantasyFootball.org - life pulse of Blood Bowl community for 15 years

I actually wrote below article for a future post about Blood Bowl links. But as the description of TalkFantasyFootball.org was taking so many lines which I impossibly could leave out, I decided the forum deserves its proper blog post !

TalkFantasyFootball.org is where the international Blood Bowl community was born. Initially it was called TalkBloodBowl.org, but this was changed after intellectual property issues with Games Workshop after 2007. The forum started beginning of the 2000's and quickly became the home for many coaches all over the world discussing league play and team development.

Soon the first tournaments were announced on TFF.org, encouraging coaches at international travel to play Blood Bowl and to meet forum members in person. Next, a couple of members of this network set up the NAF to regulate and promote the tournament scene. The NAF standardized tournament formats so no matter where on Earth you'd join a NAF-sanctioned Blood Bowl tournament, you'd be playing using the same set of rules as if you were playing in your local club.

Blood Bowl rules set have come a long way since the 90's 3rd Edition. Through many iterations it was developed into the current and final Living Rule Book 6 set of rules. The development was performed by a small group of "champions" , but all modifications and new rules were tested for feedback on TFF.org. This instigated heavy community debates on pimping or nerfing certain player skills, how to balance a perpetual league and even the introduction of a couple of new teams such as Chaos Pact and Underworld Creepers. After many years during which Tom Anders (aka GalakStarScraper) was invaluable to keep the process focussed a final version of the Living Rule Book was delivered, aka LRB6 aka the CRP or the Competitive Rules Pack (I hope I have my references right here, need to do some background checking here).

The NAF and the LRB6 allowed Blood Bowl to survive when Games Workshop cut all support to the game in 2007. The game even further proliferated, with non-GW miniature developpers producing alternative models for the LRB6 teams. A NAF-organized World Cup event in Italy attracted no less than 900 (nine hundred!!!) coaches playing tabletop Blood Bowl for 3 days in 2015. Surely this was one of the major arguments which made Games Workshop realize Blood Bowl deserves future support, resulting in a new GW Blood Bowl release expected end of November 2016 !

TalkFantasyFootball.org sees less action today, but played an instrumental role during its 15-year existence in the development and even survival of the current game of Blood Bowl !

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